Lista visioni cinematografiche di Luciano

 Metropolis (Metropolis)

pic_movie_997   NUM   997  
  DATA E CINEMA   2015.04.12 DIAMANTE  
  REGISTA   Fritz Lang  
  ATTORI   Alfred Abel, Gustav Fröhlich, Rudolf Klein-Rogge, Fritz Rasp, Theodor Loos, Erwin Biswanger, Heinrich George, Brigitte Helm  
  PRODUTTORE   Universum Film  
  PAESE   Germania  
  CATEGORIA   Drammatico, Fantascienza  
  ANNO   1927  
  DURATA   153 minuti  
  LINGUA   German  

DESCRIZIONE   Metropolis è uno dei risultati più importanti del periodo del muto; un film talmente visionario e arrabbiato da risultare di maggiore impatto oggi rispetto all’epoca in cui venne girato. (Roger Ebert) Dopo l’ultimo ritrovamento in Argentina di nuove sequenze del film, il restauro di Metropolis presenta finalmente la versione più completa esistente oggi del capolavoro di Fritz Lang, dopo le infinite mutilazioni subite fin dalla sua prima uscita, nel gennaio del 1927. Per l’occasione, Metropolis torna in sala con le musiche originali per orchestra, composte da Gottfried Huppertz.

COMMENTO   This must be one of the greatest movies of all time. I found myself almost in a state of shock during the whole movie. Everything was perfect. The story was great, the filming was pure genius and the effects directly from another dimension.I don't think any movie after this one have gotten so much out of the available effects of the time as this one. Nowadays they have super computers generating special effects. Sure they look good, but it's no big deal making them. Back in 1926 computers weren't even invented yet, all effects had to be done by hand or in simple editing. And when you take a look at all the thins that have been done in this movie, it's impossible not to get impressed. Huge buildings, explosions, flooding, picture phones (however did he come up with the very idea?), transformation sequences, robots and so on. No movie has ever pulled the limits of special effects as much as this one. Star Wars and Jurassic Park are also known as limit pullers in special effects, but they don't even come close.Then you have the filming. Everything is perfect. The use of body language is tremendous, the light setting perfect, everything well timed and perfectly captured by the camera. I've never been witness to such a treat in filming other places.And the story!!! Perfect in every detail. Intriguing, exciting and thrilling with lots of religious undertones and tyranic leaders. No wonder Hitler liked this movie...I don't know how the original music of the film was, but the new music for the restored 139 minute version I saw was really good and moodseting.All in all. This is one of the most perfect movies of all time, and it deserves anything it can get. Never has a 10/10 been as secure as for this movie...